Piece Comment

Review of Speaking the Truth of the Moment

I was enticed by the premise of this programme. After all, we live in a time when relationships are fraught with subliminal games, hidden meanings and endless public and private dissection. I’m not sure this piece adds too much new to our understanding. But it is an engaging piece, and its tone, sound mix, pacing and downbeat narration are all intriguing enough to keep a listener in.

At some point about half way through I lost the plot a bit and wondered if the premise shouldn’t be more along the lines of: “would I succumb to possible the temptations of engaging in a relationship with a man I didn’t fancy but who could offer me the good things of life?”

I was pleased to note however that all turns out well in the end.

I think the delivery of the narrator would benefit being a little less monotonal. But all in all, would be good for a weekly feature programme looking for a soft piece to end on.