Piece Comment

Review of Worlds of Difference: Finding a Niche

This polished production should fit any station's Think Global remit. Four sound rich stories from four countries where traditional societies cope with the changing global economy. But the first and last items from Peru and Mexico are very narrator driven, probably due to language differences. So much information is related, it begins to overwhelm the sound and feeling of the places and people who live there. The item from Scotland's Outer Hebrides was able to focus on the people - but why is the piece split in half with a station ID break? This interruption hurt the pace of the story and seemed unnecessary when it could'v been slotted in between two complete stories. But without a doubt, the jewel in this hour is Chris Brookes' poetic piece about the collapse of the Newfoundland cod industry where a whole town has vanished leaving only a dance to remember it by. A fascinating story, beautifully paced and produced, it's worth playing the whole hour just to let your listeners hear this bit of audio wizardry.