Piece Comment

Review of UPDATED RELEASE: "Security Check: Confronting Today's Global Threats" - A Documentary Special

This well produced programme works on the central thesis that today’s major global threats are all interconnected: conflict, poverty, disease, terrorism are all global problems that need global solutions.
Short, on-the- spot pieces illustrate the theme. The ongoing civil conflict in Uganda, the vulnerability of Russia’s nuclear material to hijacking, the link between terrorism and organized crime, the AIDS situation in Thailand and Columbia’s drug and para military related instability. The documentary is capped with an interview with Kofi Anan who talks of the link between security and development. An articulate narration by anchor David Brancaccio ties them together.
The pieces are all succinct, have good interviewees (though as a European broadcaster I do prefer longer sound bites than the ones featured here) and they link the global threats very well. The piece on Uganda and the threat of children being kidnapped by the venal Lords Resistance Army was good – it’s a subject that certainly should get more airplay than its been getting – though I found Kristen McHugh’s chanting delivery irritating.
The programme is tightly written, uses illustrative sound well, and stays well focused in its presentation of the central theme. But it is perhaps a bit too stuffed with good information. It’s a programme that demands concentrated listening – but a listener prepared to give that would be well compensated.