Piece Comment

Review of Fear, Hope, and Friendship: Mideast Teen Girls Speak Out (Peace Talks Radio Series) [29:00 or 59:00]

The compelling perspectives of these teen girls from the Mideast gently demand to be heard. At times emotional, always honest and thoughtful, their well-written monologues are presented for an audience full of enthusiastic support. They come from a "creativity for peace" camp in New Mexico taking the point of view: an enemy is someone who's story you haven't heard. There is a wealth of powerful material here.

But I wish the producers had attended a "creativity for radio" camp to frame these young voices in a better format. Too much attention is given to second hand stories from the camp's director. If the girls were right there, why not ask them about significant transforming moments they experienced? And why begin with a story told via a translator, also distancing the material? One story is told completely thru translation so the voice we most want to hear is absent. It seems like the producers had fantastic access here - and missed some great opportunities to make this an extraordinary documentary.

However, for the impact of these young women's stories alone, I recommend stations consider this piece in the context of any Mideast coverage. The simplicity of its form will work for most listeners who, unlike me, won't miss what "could've been." (I only listened to the 29' version - if the hour version is the same format with double the material, then double the critique!)