Piece Comment

Review of Death Qualified

This is one of the most powerful pieces I have ever heard during my 30-year public radio career. Powerful because of both the subject content and the way it is told. The piece is about a woman on a jury contemplating a murder case and whether or not to vote on the death penalty. Only people who believe in the death penalty are allowed to serve on the jury; they are called ?death qualified?. The combination of narration by producer Alison Freeland and interview pieces from juror Amy Cradle are skillfully blended. The interview takes place in Amy?s kitchen, and her recollection of the jury process is extremely effective; it really makes you feel like you were there with the jury taking part in this agonizing process. It?s a powerful, emotional, thoughtful piece that is very well written and edited. I listened to the 15-minute piece several times, and it gripped me every time. This is an outstanding piece of radio and I would highly recommend it.