Piece Comment

Review of Valdivia: Stories of Survival

Applause for this impressive work by four college freshmen.

Elizabeth Finn, Siamrut Patanavanich, Allison St. Vincent and Rodrigo Zeledon traveled to Valdivia, Chile to report on stories of survival from the 1960 devastating earthquake and tsunami.

Finn and St. Vincent are first up to report on an endangered wetland. Their story is followed by Patanavanich who gives a heartfelt look at the lost culture of the Mapuche people. The third story by Zeledon introduces you to survivors of the disaster.

This is an ambitious documentary by students of an MIT programme. It is sound-rich and very engaging.

That said, I offer some constructive criticism if this report is to be taken on another level -- professionally.

The narration by the students were at times quick and difficult to understand. The ends of sentences were sometimes swallowed. An example is the handoff from the endangered wetland story to the Mapuche. It was a bit difficult to understand what was happening.

I would have preferred to have the students identify themselves at the beginning of their journeys. It would have flowed nicely. Zeledon was the only one to introduce himself and the story and that was more effective for a listener.

These are criticisms that can be worked on. Overall, highly impressive!