Piece Comment

Review of Artist Born of War

A great topic: the experience of war through a literary lens. The journey back to Vietnam of Marine veteran and writer Wayne Karlin is an ideal frame for speaking with writers on both sides of the Pacific. The six writers all have very different styles and points of view so there is a lot to think about. Interviews are interspersed with readings from their work.

However, with so many writers, voice-overs, readings and two narrators, I sometimes had trouble keeping track of who was speaking. It would've helped if Karlin was the sole guide. Nothing against engaging host Marc Steiner - but one person's journey is enough for the listener in this case. I also think the program might have been stronger if somewhat restructured. All the Vietnamese writers, speaking with voice-overs, coming one after the other in the second half gave the program an uneven feel - it got more difficult to follow.

My personal critque aside, this is an intelligent hour on an important subject. It would provide a different perspective for Veterans Day programming. I particularly liked hearing from Bao Ninh, whose haunting novel "The Sorrow of War" should be required reading in schools everywhere.