Piece Comment

Review of RN Documentary: Paradise Lost

Paradise Lost is a sobering documentary about the poor conditions in Haiti, and the government?s inability to improve the quality of life for its people. Healthcare, poverty, corruption, crime, and lack of services all are addressed by the reporter and the experts (mostly from Non Governmental Organizations) who appear in the piece. As one might expect, the picture is very bleak, although the report manages to highlight a couple of encouraging developments. The reporter?s narration is competent, if a little formal, and the report does a good job of providing history and context to today?s situation. Where the piece falls short however is in building compelling scenes, and including the voices of ordinary (non ?expert?) Haitian people. There is a powerful scene near the top of the story at a maternity ward, and I found myself wanting to hear more first-hand experiences such as this, rather than the analyses of professionals. Nevertheless, it?s important that Haiti not be forgotten even though it?s not in the headlines these days.