Piece Comment

Disappointment! Link Broken!

I was all set to listen to Linda VanDevanter's segment and it wouldn't play. I got a message that said the link was broken. I have long been an admirer of Ms. VanDevanter's work both Home Before Morning and Visions of War, Dreams of Peace. I am an ex-Navy vet. While I didn't serve in combat, I still experienced alot of what Ms. VanDevanter did when she returned home. Serving in the military so totally changes your mentality from the way you were before you left home that you don't even know yourself. I suffered from sexual harrassment when I had joined back in 1975. In that era, it was unheard of for anyone to file any kind of complaints of that nature. Upon reading her first book, I felt a connection. She had suffered through some of the indignities that I did. I was so looking forward to hearing this and to get a message telling me the link is broken was highly disappointing.
