Piece Comment

Free Arab World Now !

Please keep up the good work, we need people like you more than ever before to bring us news across all borders, time has come to say to the greedy world "Enough is Enough!!". Thank you.

My message to the Arab World:
Solidarity, activism and revolutions are beyond borders.
Freedom has been ringing in Tunisia, and now in Egypt, what about your country?

When enough is enough?
Indeed, at stake is nothing less than the dignity (defined as “the quality of being worthy of esteem or respect”) of an entire nation whose despotic leaders, supported by greedy foreign powers, have been trying to destroy its ability to resist and undermine its determination to live a dignified life.

Please support our freedom, your freedom and the freedom of the Arab World by signing our book of freedom at: http://www.TahrirSquare.net - May God Help us all!