Piece Comment

Review of Singing in St. Andrews

This is a cute (but not sappy) vignette about simple and universal expressions of love. The couple are instantly likeable and this short interview creates a vivid portrait. This would make for a nice drop-in almost anytime, especially around Valentine's Day, Sweetest Day, etc.
I'd like to see the narration stripped out of the interview itself. Once the narration describes the kissing and blushing, I realized a didn't need a narration anymore--I just want to hear them. Everything the internal narration says after the basic introduction (ending about :35 into piece) is either covered elsewhere or redundant to the interviewees' comments. I listened to it a few times, mentally edited out the voice over, and I think it would make the portrait even stronger. Further, I must admit that I agree--the bookends of "Amazing Grace" feel a little cliche here. Bagpipe music isn't mentioned in the piece--so why is it there?