Piece Comment

Review of George Dubya: An Old School Mix

O.k., I wasn't expecting this. I was expecting some commentary, but I think this piece works like this: there is no narrator, but the music itself is the narrator (or maybe the critic). At first it was hard to listen because I thought the music was just background music, but you have to take it all in at once, which is not easy at first. After a few minutes I think I got the hang of it.

It starts with G. W. Bush speaking about stuff with Stevie Wonder in the background. Bush speaks mostly throughout the piece. There is also a clip of Clinton's speech at the Democratic convention this year (guess what music plays when Clinton is speaking! ha ha!) and some commentary from spectators at Bush's Urban League speech (I think, not completely sure).

Though this piece is only 17 minutes long, you could sell the soundtrack separately. It's got some old school, Stevie Wonder, 80s stuff, and even Public Enemy. Good stuff.