Piece Comment

Review of RN Documentary: The Girl At The Window

This is a documentary about the relationship between a woman (the author), a painting that belonged to her grandmother and the woman who painted it. The author was able to track down and interview the 90-year old German artist who painted "The Girl at the Window." A painting that has been a fixture is the author's life as long as she could remember and her affection and respect for the artwork is obvious in this piece. Ursula, the artist, has a fascinating story to tell. While sometimes unable to paint because she had to work, painting is where her passion lay and to this day she is still a painter. I enjoyed this story thoroughly with its intimate, sometimes somber tone, its closeness to the subject. I also enjoyed the piano track (its sounds like a cloudy day) as it made me feel nearer to the subject.
This is the kind of story I like to listen to the on the radio. I love to learn about other people and their lives, and it's great to hear about people other than Americans, because they interest me as well. The piece does have a faint "This American Life" tone to it..of course sans the "America' part. I give this piece 4 stars.