Piece Comment

Review of All My Body Parts Exist Now

Evan is a good speaker and has a story that I imagine would be very new to many American listeners, though he occasionally uses words that wouldn’t be very welcome in most US stations.

My overall impression of this piece is that it’s a great story but radio-wise pretty amateurishly done. The main problems are to do with audio technique

The questions posed are off mic and inaudible – then the answer comes in and you’re left wanting to know the question. The producer needs either to get the mic in front of the interviewer’s face as the question is being asked, or to make sure that the reply is edited in a way that you’re not left with half a conversation.

Also there’s music running under most of this and I wish I could have waved a magic wand to just make it disappear. It neither underlines a statement or adds emotion or in fact anything else – it just feels like someone put on their favourite record and let it play while the interview was going on. The result is that as a listener you’re attention is half on the talk, half on the music and one is essentially missing out on both dimensions.

Having said that, it was interesting listening to Evan talking about his body in such a way. Its an intimate conversation, almost a thinking aloud process which works as a fly on the wall audio piece (though there are mentions for example of “Stacy” and its never explained who Stacy is) – one has to be careful in such a piece to include the listener rather than lock him/her out.

I can’t imagine a mainstream broadcaster would be too keen on broadcasting such a programme, though I think Evan’s story should be heard by a mainstream audience to let them know that people outside the mainstream are, after all, people too.