Piece Comment

Review of Tossing Away the Keys

I simply cannot stress enough how much this piece needs to be aired. The rating "very much" offers not even an inkling of the necessity for all people to hear this piece--Governors, Presidents, all people.

I haven't heard anything so real in quite some time. This piece simultaneously made me cherish my freedom and wish I could give some part of it to let these men out of prison. In the current absense of systematic reform to let some of these men out of prison, the radio can at least bring their stories to fellow-human beings. In at least this way, they will not die forgotten, a fear they discuss in the piece.

Exquisitely produced from the recording to the editing, from the interviews to the singing, to the poem, to the narration, to the background of prison noise. This is one of those rare pieces of documentary art that touches deep the mind, heart, and spirit of the listener.