Piece Comment

Review of David Byrne Does PowerPoint

I must admit that I found this piece searching through PRX for things I like. When I found a piece on one of my favorite musicians, I had to listen.
I would like to say that while this piece is visually rich, I think the listener needs to have some knowledge about PowerPoint. I do not, and therefore did not really understand much of what was said. Clearly two sides of the PowerPoint camp are represented in this piece which I liked, but I didn’t come away learning anything new. However, the way the PowerPoint presentations are described is very good, and I could see them in my mind.
I think this piece would work well if there was a strong lead in explanation of PowerPoint and what it could mean to the listener. Also, it seems to me that the very first word we hear is cut off which makes the opening of the piece a bit harder to understand. I must add that I really enjoyed the music at the end. It is kind of spacey and had a computer-y feel to it and I thought that was neat.