Piece Comment

Review of Tale of Two Cities

I like personal stories and I thought I'd have a lot in common with this one (albeit my "two cities" are New York and Amsterdam.) And in this respect I wasn't disappointed - the sense of displacement and isolation in both "homes" paints a picture of internal melancholy more than any external place. The narrator draws parallels from banal everyday activities (coffe-to-go) to oddly surreal events (unlikely fowl) as she bounces between real life and scripted introspection. But because the sound recordings are so rough, there is no real difference between the sound of the two cities. I'd like to think this was part of the concept, but if so it's too distracting to be effective. What the piece lacks in recording technique is almost compensated by the writing which is the best part of the story - intelligent and insightful. But it doesn't quite hold the fabric of the whole together for radio.