This American Life

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This American Life
 is a weekly public radio show broadcast on more than 500 stations to about 2.1 million listeners. It is also often the most popular podcast in the country, with around one million people downloading each week. From 2006-2008, we produced a television version of This American Life on the Showtime network, which won three Emmys. We're also the co-producers, with NPR News, of the economics podcast and blog Planet Money. And a half dozen stories from the radio show are being developed into films.


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Fundraiser for Public Radio stations that air This American Life

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This American Life is a weekly public radio show produced by Chicago Public Media and broadcast on more than 500 stations to about 2.2 million listeners each week. It is also often the most popular podcast in the country, with around one million people downloading each week. This American Life is distributed independently with WBEZ, and is available to stations weekly via the PRX Exchange broadcast distribution technology

Learn more about the radio show or find details about This American Life on PRX below.

To set up your subscription, login to PRX and hit Subscribe on the right of this page ( If you don't know your login or need any help, contact PRX. If you need to create a username for yourself, sign up here.

For questions about the show or fees, contact Marge Ostroushko.

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34 Pieces

Stations airing This American Life can download generic promos and fundraising material for air. This is specials and generic content only - not the weekly episodes. Download help


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What if someone told you about a type of therapy that could help you work through unhealed trauma in just ten sessions? Some people knock through i...

  • Added: Aug 23, 2019
  • Length: 59:00
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What happens when our most ingenious creations actually make it out into the world.

  • Added: Aug 16, 2019
  • Length: 59:00
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A kidnapping victim in Colombia spends his nights listening to a radio station that plays messages from the families of the kidnapped. That and oth...

  • Added: Aug 14, 2019
  • Length: 59:00
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Exactly how incompetent you are. What your ex’s best friend really thinks of you. The approximate time that you will die. Some things in life are b...

  • Added: Aug 02, 2019
  • Length: 59:00
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Words mean things, but some words are especially meaningful -- whether in a survival manual, a song lyric, or a slur.

  • Added: Jul 26, 2019
  • Length: 59:00
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Many Americans have dreamy and romantic ideas about Paris, notions which probably trace back to the 1920s vision of Paris created by the expatriate...

  • Added: Jul 19, 2019
  • Length: 59:00
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People go on missions to save young girls from danger. But sometimes they get so caught up in the mission that it overshadows the girl herself.

  • Added: Jul 12, 2019
  • Length: 59:00
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This country is crawling in presidential candidates right now and they're bumping into each other in Des Moines and yelling over each other in Miam...

  • Added: Jul 05, 2019
  • Length: 59:00
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It's the late 1960s, and in the new technology of cryonics, a California TV repairman named Bob sees an opportunity to help people cheat death. But...

  • Added: Jun 28, 2019
  • Length: 59:00
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Stories about people who accidentally bump into unsettling facts of history in settings meant to teach them history. What they end up learning is v...

  • Added: Jun 21, 2019
  • Length: 59:00