Comments for Greg Palast - GMO's in Iraq!

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This piece belongs to the series "Living Well Show"

Produced by Mountain Light Studio

Other pieces by Donna Descoteaux

Summary: What do GMO?s (genetically modified foods) have to do with Iraq?? Good Question! Greg Palast, investigative journalist and author of Armed Madhouse and The Best Democracy Money Can Buy gives us the answer.

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Review of Greg Palast - GMO's in Iraq!

This is a straight 29-minute interview over the phone with Greg Palast. It's hard to go wrong with Palast, as he always gives good interview, and interviewer Dr. Shamaan Eagle does a fine job of moving the interview along. The program suffers from very poor audio quality, though, both from the phone line and from the studio microphone. It's difficult to go too far off track with a good guest and a good topic, but an investment in ISDN lines would make this a more listenable half hour live interview, and some judicious editing would make it even better.