Comments for Lockdown on Life: Stories from Women Behind Bars

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This piece belongs to the series "Making Contact"

Produced by National Radio Project

Other pieces by Making Contact

Summary: Transgendered-women forced to live in a men's prison, moms in prison, and doulas helping incarcerated expectant mothers.

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Review of Lockdown on Life: Stories from Women Behind Bars

This is a well-produced yet difficult to listen to glimpse behind the walls of prison life. This show features the stories and voices of women, mothers, mothers-to-be and transgendered women. While all of the stories are disturbing, the most moving are the stories of women separated from their newborn children. Heartbreakingly sad.

While many of us will have a hard time identifying the transgendered women, we need to know about them and their circumstances despite much of our society's efforts to ignore them.

The writing, narration and editing are well done. Most of the sound is well recorded with the exception of the poor quality from the prison tape recorder but there was nothing the producers could do about that.

I would like to have heard more "sound" than the voices alone but I assume that this was a result of prison limitations on recording. The sound of prison doors being opened and closed, prisoners in the dining area or in recreation would certainly be useful and help move the stories along if available.

This is the type of work that only non-commercial radio chooses to put on the air in a non-sensational yet moving way.

Thanks to the National Radio Project for doing this kind of work. These are stories that need to be heard.