Comments for The Person I Admire the Most

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Produced by Jake Warga

Other pieces by Jake Warga

Summary: Following my best friend to Ethiopia

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Review of The Person I Admire the Most

Producer Jake Warga has created a highly produced and exquisitely mixed feature about the person he admires most, a medical researcher working in Ethiopia. It was good enough to be on NPR's "All Things Considered", and it clearly deserves a national audience. His visit to his best friend in Ethiopia is captured well in less than six minutes, and the piece really makes you feel like you have gotten to know the person and the place in that time. The many sound elements create a rich and liquid sound tapestry, weaving itself in and out of the well-edited narration and voice cuts, making it a pleasure to listen to. If you missed it the first time around, you owe it to yourself to give it a listen. Warga also has an excellent web site documenting his aural and visual accomplishments at it out.