Comments for What's the Word? Elizabeth I and Victoria

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This piece belongs to the series "What' s the Word? - A series of half-hour programs to celebrate Women's History Month in March"

Produced by [redacted] [redacted]

Other pieces by Modern Language Association

Summary: Literary portrayals of Queen Elizabeth I and Queen Victoria

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Review of What's the Word? Elizabeth I and Victoria

A brief survey of each Queen's influence on the arts and literature of their time.
The different voices reading selections from scholars and authors and short clips from opera, plays and musical pieces, keeps the program interesting.

A better and richer analysis of Elizabeth's personal and political influence than of Victoria's. The readings are very brief, mere quotes.

The authors and scholars of Victoria seem to think she was "invisible in plain sight," perhaps an apt description with her subjection to her husband Prince Albert.

What is interesting is that you come away with a vivid image of the major difference between the two Queens, one totally independant, visible and powerful; the other, subserviant and conciliatory though the ruler of the most powerful empire of her time.

Elizabeth's reign dominated by freedom and exhilerance and the blossoming of the arts, Victoria's dominated by repression and the infamous Victorian morals reflected in the arts and literature of her time.

Elizabeth Tudor is still a major influence and inspiration to what women can accomplish if they do not surrender their power to others. Victoria, an example of what not to do with your power, give it to men.