Comments for Teen Vox Pop: Why Teens Are Still Driving Drunk

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Produced by Curie Youth Radio

Other pieces by Curie Youth Radio

Summary: A disturbing look at the surprising reasons we still get into cars after drinking.

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Review of Teen Vox Pop: Why Teens Are Still Driving Drunk

Like a song with sad lyrics but an upbeat tune, "Why Teens Are Still Driving Drunk" delivers a shocking message from teenagers that you could almost miss if you weren't listening to the words.

The teens interviewed for this vox pop say crazy things so normally, it sounds perfectly understandable that they have been driven home by drunken drivers or even driven themselves because they weren't really drunk, "just a little buzzed."

At the beginning of the piece, the interviewer seems to put words in the mouth of one guy, who says he can do a better job of driving when drunk. The interviewer suggests that is because he's more aware, while the interviewee seems to think it's because he's "loose." But frankly, I am amazed that any interviewer could find people that would talk this openly about driving while drunk.

The teens in this piece have their own reasons for drunk driving or getting in a car with a drunk driver, but from the way they tell it, they had no other good options. Especially because they are underage, they didn't want anyone else to know.

This short piece is definitely a provocative start for any discussion on drunk driving.