Comments for Generation Next: Sex

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This piece belongs to the series "Generation Next"

Produced by BBC World Service

Other pieces by BBC

Summary: As part of the BBC's Generation Next programming, the BBC's Robin Lustig asks what it really mean to be an adult. He explores what "youth" means in different societies and cultures worldwide. In this programme Robin investigates sexual activity among young people.

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Review of Generation Next: Sex

The work highlights that little has changed for teenagers. Sorting out the conflicting and confusing messages of society and sex hasn't become any easier. Depending on your culture, it may have become even harder. For instance, the girls in Africa have more opportunities available to them than previous generations, but as teenage mothers, their reality hasn't caught up to their potential. Strongly biased towards the voices of girls,and exceedingly heterosexual in its reporting, it is a disappointingly predictable and very soft article. It doesn't offer any surprises or grand insights, which I admit I was hoping for, but did a dependable job of filling 20 minutes.

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Review of Generation Next: Sex

It was great to hear, directly from teenagers, about their different experiences with sex, from introduction (sex ed and/or lack of it) through to consequences (unintended pregnancy, stunted lives).

The topic of teen marriage was good to include - too many people, teens especially, hold irrationally romantic ideas about marriage. Going to different countries, and gathering all the different voices, was very effective.

I'm glad you covered all the bases, including mentioning the failure of abstinence programs in reducing STD and pregnancy rates. Kids are going to experiment, are going to be "tempted into sex," no matter what you tell them - far better to give them tools to protect themselves.

The accent of the narrator gave the piece an authoritative, National Geographic sort of tone.

Overall, I felt the piece was well balanced and engaging - highly recommended.