Comments for The last wild place

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This piece belongs to the series "Alaskan Life Portraits"

Produced by Edward May

Other pieces by Edward May

Summary: Wildlife cinemaphotographer Steve Kroschel tells us how his career began, his move to Alaska and about the wild creatures that share his home and life with him.

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Review of The last wild place

A thoughtful and touching interview with a wildlife afficionado: it catalogs his early experiences that inspired his later career choice as wildlife cinematographer, his fascination with wilderness species (including Big Foot!), and his thoughts about why we must protect the environment in the future. It starts a little slowly, but draws you in as it progresses, due to the subject's understated enthusiasm for the wild and it's inhabitants. The interview might have benefited from more air; a pause where he moves on to a new subject, whether music or wildlife sounds, to allow digestion of what is said. Nevertheless, this piece would make a good addition to an environment hour, but would need an outro as it ends rather abruptly.