Comments for Messages from NPR's Sonic Memorial Phone Line

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This piece belongs to the series "The Sonic Memorial Project: 5 Stories"

Produced by The Kitchen Sisters, with Laura Folger. Mixed by Jim McKee/Earwax Productions

Other pieces by The Kitchen Sisters

Summary: An impressionistic gathering of sounds and stories, many of them contributed by listeners who called the Sonic Memorial Phone Line.

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Review of Messages from NPR's Sonic Memorial Phone Line

This piece, originally a preview for the hour-long feature which deservedly took top honors at the 2003 Thirdcoast Festival, might now be heard as a "making of..." type doco. But it's much more powerful. People call in to NPR's Sonic Memorial phone line with sounds they've recorded, memories of sounds or personal stories of the World Trade Towers and their destruction. From the heartbeat of the revolving doors on the ground to a New Year's Eve party at the top, the life of the buildings is presented from many different and sometimes surprising angles - like the sound of Hispanic radio stations the cleaners listen to during their working hours. The sensitive scripting and presentation link the elements simply and effectively. When it was finished, I longed to hear more - not only because thirty years ago the Towers were part of the skyline seen from the bedroom window of my first NYC apartment. For stations unable to present the hour-long program which evolved from this call for sound memories, this ten-minute piece could stand alone on the anniversay of 9/11.