Comments for Seekers of the Truth: The Veterans' Sangha

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Produced by Peacespeak Productions and Meg O'Shaughnessy

Other pieces by Meg O'Shaughnessy

Summary: Timeless and true, these powerful narratives, passionately delivered by Vietnam Veterans, convey the grief, guilt and rage that can endure in the warrior. At the close of a mindfulness retreat led by Thay Thich Nhat Hanh at Stonehill College in Massachusettes, August 2002, members of the Veterans' Sangha shared their original writings on war, peace and forgiveness. Seekers of the Truth, which gained a finalist position in NFCB's Golden Reel Awards, brings the moral contradiction of war into stark profile and begs us to examine our assumptions , to awaken to new compassion for ourselves and for our world. Always frank and sometimes chilling, the testimony of these Vietnam era veterans explores the devastating effects of war upon those who wage it . This provocative and stimulating piece serves as an exceptional offering for Veterans' Day, November 11. Heartfelt listener response guaranteed.

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Review of Seekers of the Truth: The Veterans' Sangha

A fascinating idea: brief first person essays from all walks of American life touched by the Vietnam War. They are read by the authors at a Buddhist retreat with each piece ending with a single chime from a bell: very effective. Some of the writing is outstanding and the readings are all honest and heartfelt. It is, of course, timely in the context of the mire in Iraq. "Litany 911" and "Soldier's Demons" are particularly compelling.
So why only three stars?

The sound quality is abominable! The levels are low, there is no treble and a background hiss is present through the whole thing. I listened to all the pieces and, while I was moved by the words, I also felt annoyed that technical laziness has taken much away from something that could have been great. PD's should audition the sound quality before programming.