Comments for Deep In Our Hearts

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Produced by Sandra Sleight-Brennan

Other pieces by Sandra Sleight-Brennan

Summary: Deep In Our Hearts is an award winning hour-long documentary about four white women who defied the color line to work in the southern Civil Rights Movement.

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Review of Deep In Our Hearts

There's been a lot of radio done about the civil rights movement--but this is a very special piece of work. These women were not exactly "leaders" of the student movement in th e South, which makes the piece much better; you get a sense of what it really felt like. And the producers make the good choice of all but ignoring the 'emergence-of-feminism' story and the 'interracial sex' story, both of which have been told before. Instead, we get a real feel of what it felt like in Alabama and Mississippi in those years. Which may be the single most compelling story in all of American history.