Comments for A Century of Heroes: Week Five

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This piece belongs to the series "A Century of Heroes"

Produced by David Bear and Barbara Sieck Taylor

Other pieces by David Bear

Summary: Five 90-second programs, each recounting a remarkable act of everyday courage drawn from the Carnegie Hero Fund archives.

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Review of A Century of Heroes: Week Five

These 90 second pieces give us a glimpse into the heroics of otherwise ordinary people. It inspires the listeners to learn how the people profiled made a difference in helping or saving others' lives. It could happen to us. The writing is clear, with a good narrative element. I would prefer to hear related information (about the Hero Fund) only at the end. This would allow the story to be told without interruption.
In terms of airing the piece, I would need a local or timely hook. I hope the Carnegie Hero Fund contacts stations when a local hero is profiled.