Comments for WNR: A Short History of the Taliban

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Produced by Emily Hager

Other pieces by War News Radio

Summary: From "Pen to Paper" (March 13, 2009): War News Radio cracks open the history books to see who today's Taliban are, and where they came from.

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Really informative

Are you someone who has heard about the Taliban but doesn't know quite what it is? Thanks to Emily Hage's strong reporting, we can all get to know the basics of this controversial group.
This is a concise, informative, and professional piece that gives you the facts so you can then create your own opinion on the topic. Emily's clear voice helps to keep the listener's attention, and the pacing, and order of events help to follow the interesting but sometimes complicated facts. The piece is easy to follow thanks to the lack of distractions such as music or background noise, but it would be helpful to have the definition of some terms that aren't common knowledge for many listeners. A more inviting intro before the "cold facts" would add to it, as well as an outro that resumes the main points. The interviews add a personal and real feeling.
This is an interesting piece about a complex topic that is worth listening to.