Comments for My Experiences With The "N" Word

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Produced by Paul McDonald

Other pieces by Paul McDonald

Summary: A double standard still exists for this racial epithet.

Review of Experiences With The "N" Word

Author reflects on the double standard that has existed during his lifetime, especially growing up, in reference to the loaded 'N' word. The piece is also a plea, without being preachy, to put an end to the same word that still exists and divides people.

Find out why Richard Pryor stopped using the word after his visit to Africa.

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Review of Experiences With The "N" Word

This is a thoughtful commentary on an persistently complex and relevant issue. Paul McDonald brings us from his aunt in Florida ("that's just how they talk around here") to a race riot in his Birmingham, Alabama high school, to Richard Prior's trip to Africa. The transitions are very smooth.

McDonald's soft southern accent lends a sense of place and authenticity to the piece. His ability to reflect openly and honestly on his experiences with the word "nigger" is one highlight of this piece. The other is the admiring description of Richard Prior. Imagining the voice of this piece identifying with Prior is intriguing, as they seem so different from one another.

One thing this piece is missing is sound. Considering the references to Prior, it would be wonderful to hear some archival recordings of events described. Any recording of Prior using the word "nigger" would add a lot to this piece. The same goes for contemporary uses of the word. It would help the piece to include sound from any number of sources--either the producer's own recordings or sound from movies or songs. I would have also liked to have heard references to those who have had this discussion publically in the recent past. Randall Kennedy comes to mind. Any of these improvements would place the piece in a larger dialogue, and elucidate what McDonald is adding to that ongoing conversation.
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Review of Experiences With The "N" Word

Opening is very strong with a personal story. The producer treats the "N" word delicately and uses the experiences of Richard Pryor in exploring it further. A tough topic that is worthy to be aired.