Comments for The Brandon-Ukiriguru AIDS Awareness Project

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Produced by David Kattenburg

Other pieces by David Kattenburg

Summary: Two communities -- one in Canada, the other in Africa -- working together to fight the AIDS pandemic through awareness

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Review of The Brandon-Ukiriguru AIDS Awareness Project

Reporter David Kattenburg shows how members of communities in Tanzania and Canada connect with each other in efforts to teach about
and lessen the impact of AIDS in BOTH countries.
There are some laughs as well as hard work to accomplish.
On such a global topic there is always more to be said. Kattenburg gets the message across and makes it clear
this is not his last report.
The story is enhanced with ambient sound - from the airport as the Canadian women depart to a Tanzanian village where they are welcomed and celebrated. You can almost see the python Kattenburg describes.