Comments for Globalization and the World's Poor

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Produced by America Abroad Media, WAMU, The Economist

Other pieces by America Abroad Media

Summary: Garrick Utley and Kojo Nnamdi lead a town-hall discussion on globalization and the world's poor.

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Review of Globalization and the World's Poor

Quite a few interesting points are made in this piece, which I found very thought-provoking. There is some lack of structure and I wished for clearer development from moment to moment. But individual speakers have brilliant moments.

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Review of Globalization and the World's Poor

The effect of globalization on poverty is an important topic to discuss, but unless you break it down into specific issues, it is too vast and vague to come to grips with in under 60 minutes.
Both Garrick Utley and Kojo Nnamdi do a great job of trying to focus the discussion, but the two-host structure is cumbersome, especially when the line-up also includes four guests.
The guests are all very interesting, but they get little time to develop their arguments. At times it's difficult to figure out who is who. This is rather crucial when they include speakers from organizations and think tanks with clear political agendas.
There are some moments of real insight on the part of John Ambler of Oxfam and William Easterly, formerly of the World Bank, but the other speakers often get bogged down in abstract concepts.
I would have liked to have heard from someone in the developing world who feels the effects of globalization.
The audience adds much to this broadcast by asking well-informed and critical questions.
The program works best when speakers focus on personal experiences, or when excellent scripting about the scale of global poverty jolts listeners back to reality after too much rhetoric about the merits of free trade.