Comments for A Voice Of Warning

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This piece belongs to the series "CBC Radio's Outfront"

Produced by Anne Penman

Other pieces by Canadian Broadcasting Corporation

Summary: Jade's voice speaks a loud warning to thousands of students.

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Review of A Voice Of Warning

I hesitate to give 5 star reviews; it's rare that I feel a piece couldn't be improved in some way. But I've listened to this piece four times - twice on my own, and twice in showing it to other people - and even on that fourth listen, I was riveted. The contrast between the extreme emotional content and the monotone of Jade's computer-assisted narration is very effective, and you can tell that he constructs his phrases carefully. A painful, beautifully-made piece.

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Review of A Voice Of Warning

The automaton continuity-- and moans and groans--allow the listener to experience what it may feel like to live inside Jade's shell-- the narration is intrusive at times, but definately begs to be something more than someone moving past the spectacle of Jade's being. Suspicious about what's beneath the prevention message. Beauty and life and demons...

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Review of A Voice Of Warning

This piece is timed at just under 13 minutes, but it is so absorbing, the listener's awareness of time disappears.
It's the very sad yet uplifting story of Jade Bell and what he has become - blind, can't talk or control his movements - after an overdose of heroin and cocaine. Trisha Wilson's narrative, combined with the computer voice for Jade and music that keeps the intensity, gives us a glimpse into his world then and now.
Despite his lost skills, Jade is witty, sharing his thoughts and life lessons with the listener.
He visits high schools to tell his story and warn the kids it could happen to them.
His success at dealing with life's struggles had an uplifting affect on me. When he tapped in the message to have his computer voice an outcue to the piece, I laughed and felt grateful to have heard the story Trisha helped Jade tell.