Comments for The Tongass National Forest Part Two

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Produced by Guy Hand

Other pieces by Guy Hand

Summary: The contentious legacy of logging on Alaska's Tongass National Forest, the largest intact temperate rain forest in the world.

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Review of The Tongass National Forest Part Two

An engaging (and unfortunately less uplifting) follow up to part 1. The complex interactions between all the elemnts of the Tongass habitat are explained in a clear and comprehensible fashion, and both sides of the logging picture are presented here in an even-handed way. The piece clearly demonstrates the dilemma faced by locals who rely on the forests for their livelihood, and yet recognize the need to protect the dwindling resource. It is somewhat disconceting to hear that cutting down trees is "more fun than kissing pretty girls", but maybe this off-the-cuff statement demonstrates just how wide the cultural divide is between loggers and those wishing to protect the trees.