Comments for Is Capitalism Failing Middle America?

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Produced by Craig Barnes

Other pieces by Craig Barnes

Summary: While the Bush administration and the courts promote free markets, farmers, ranchers and consumers are suffering, making one wonder for whom modern capitalism is working.

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Review of Is Capitalism Failing Middle America?

A crisp and succinct commentary that eloquently questions what the "market fundamentalists" really mean by "free markets."

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Review of Is Capitalism Failing Middle America?

So now non-reproducible seeds are being genetically engineered so that farmers have to buy new seed each year rather than harvest seed from existing plants? This is a scary piece that needs to be aired. Some things I knew, some things I didn't. Mr. Barnes lays out his case with great authority and leaves listeners with questions for which only time can give the answers. Very thought provoking. This would certainly be a "wake me up, get the adrenaline going" piece.