Comments for Is Peace Possible In The Middle East?

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This piece belongs to the series "Chautauqua Lectures"

Produced by WQLN-FM Erie, Pa

Other pieces by WQLN

Summary: dennis ross examines the rise of anti-american radicalism in the middle east.

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Review of Is Peace Possible In The Middle East?

As usual the Chautauqua lecture series and WQLN-FM, deliver a high caliber speaker on a subject which is at the centre of the news. Dennis Ross, a career diplomat who worked with three American presidents, tries to, as he says, break myths about the Arab Israeli conflict. Whether you agree with his analysis or not, Dennis Ross is in a unique position to comment on this issue.
It must be noted that the original lecture was recorded in August 2004, before the death of Yasser Arafat and the Israeli pull-out from the West Bank. But if you intro this carefully, there's a lot of fascinating material here.
Speaking of introductions, my one dispute with this lecture series is that sometimes I feel they don't give enough information at the start of the program to help listeners understand the political leanings of the speaker. Not so with Dennis Ross who is clearly introduced.