Comments for Brides for Sale

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Produced by Elinoar Astrinsky

Other pieces by Voices of Our World

Summary: direct order brides suffer silently

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Review of Brides for Sale

An excellent speaker, a gripping story – really what more can you ask of radio?
Maryknoll Sister, Giang Nguyen is gentle and articulate and tells of young women and girls being sold off in marriage to Taiwanese men. The statistics are hair raising -
100,000 Vietnamese women sold into marriage in Taiwan; marriage brokers earning thousands of dollars while the women themselves get a small fraction of that to send back to their families; 20-30% of the marriages involve abuse; teenagers ending up in brothels or in homes where they're passed around to all the male members of the family.
In the US the powers that be are saying that marriage and the family is something holy and sacrosant – stories like this need to get out to show how this institution is being abused in the worst way so that government action can be taken to curb it internationally.
28 minutes sped by – thoroughly recommended.

Review of Brides for Sale

The statistics alone will shock the listeners. Surely we have all heard about the mail order bride services, even seen movies about it. But rarely have we had a chance to know details until this piece informs us of the unthinkable lives many Vietnamese women lead. The numbers are in hundreds of thousands, and that's just women stranded in Taiwan. Imagine how many others we will never know of. A must listen.