Comments for HEART-to-HEART Pgm III: Respecting Diversity

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This piece belongs to the series "HEART-to-HEART: Caring for the Dying"

Produced by Claire Schoen

Other pieces by Claire Schoen

Summary: Respecting Diversity looks at the influence of culture, race and religion on dying; how the assumptions behind "good end-of-life care" do not necessarily match the needs of people who are not white and middle class.

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Review of HEART-to-HEART Pgm III: Respecting Diversity

Much work has gone into gathering and collating different viewpoints for this thoughtful and engaging programme. In a world where cultural diversity seems to be a sword edge, where even tolerance is constantly being called into question, it’s a good time to think about people from different cultures at the moment when they’re the most vulnerable.
Death comes to us all – this programme is about the way that different people approach it.
I didn’t know that Chinese people don’t want to die at home, or that for the Zuni its best not to talk too directly about approaching death. This programme is full of such tiny but vital insights into different cultures. Recommended.