Comments for Uncovering Anorexia

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This piece belongs to the series "KFAI Youth News"

Other pieces by KFAI Minneapolis

Summary: The KFAI Youth News Initiative creates a platform for young women of color to give their unique perspective on issues they face in their communities.

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Review of "Uncovering Anorexia"

The investment Williams has in this story is palpable, and I love it. Taking a classic "start small, then go big" approach to the huge epidemic of anorexia in America. She begins with the story of her friend, who developed the disease over time. Fading in and out between this personal story and the symptoms of the actual disease, the impact that this disease on the loved ones of the patient is displayed clearer and clearer. The decision to use the doctor's description of the physical changes that occur when a patient has anorexia, such as changes in skin color and hair growth described around 2:10, projects a feeling of unreality surrounding anorexia. The editing itself very much resembles a film or other form of art where the viewer is an outsider looking into a tragedy or horrible event.
Things to notice: Williamson is clearly experienced in reporting, and knows when to back off the personal end of the spectrum when it is appropriate for storytelling. But her emotional investment in the story is easy to see, and is actually displayed better because it is "surrounded" by professionally formatted production. She speaks with constant awareness of the disease's existence, and a desire to understand. Her syncs into music are well-timed and perfectly appropriate, helping to tell an emotional story while retaining an informative perspective. I hope that as Williamson's career continues, she does not lose the fear of letting stories become personal. Her skills are developed enough so that no one would dare call her a "soft news" producer.