Comments for RN Documentary: The International Criminal Court – in its own words

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This piece belongs to the series "RN Documentaries"

Produced by michele ernsting

Other pieces by Radio Netherlands Worldwide

Summary: The history and creation of the international criminal court by people who helped establish it or who work there.

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Review of RN Documentary: The International Criminal Court ? in its own words

This is an excellent production concerning a topic of great potential global interest. This program is an example of the kind of work I expect from an esteemed international broadcaster such as Radio Netherlands. Although the location of the International Criminal Court at The Hague is "close to home" for Radio Netherlands, this topic should be of interest to thoughtful and informed citizens anywhere on our planet.

The script, narration, interviews and other "sound" in this half-hour production did a great job of grabbing and keeping my interest in a topic that could have been much more "dry" or boring. I especially liked the use of "stand-ups" and the "tour" of the Court facility.

This production made me want to know more about this still-developing tool for international law enforcement. I would like to know when proceedings begin before the court as well as information about cases being brought forward and defendants.

One of the few weaknesses in this program is the fact that it left me wondering about the relationship of the ICC to proceedings against accused defendants such as Saddam Hussein and (if ever captured) Osama bin Laden. Perhaps it's more than we can expect in one half hour but I wondered why certain cases would end up at the ICC rather than in other settings such as the Baghdad court that tried Hussein. An acknowledgement of such cases would perhaps make the subject matter a bit more appealing to American mass audiences.

This is a program that will serve to feed the interest of our public radio listeners who consider themselves "world citizens." We Americans need more exposure to information of this type. This production will be a valuable addition to the schedule of any station that airs it.

If we need a "hook" for using it, perhaps it can air on or near an "International Human Rights Day," "Law Day' (isn't that May 1?) or some such similar observance.