Comments for Part Five: The American Obsession with Driving

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This piece belongs to the series "VegOil Fuel: the Unsung Alternative"

Produced by Cynthia Shelton

Other pieces by Cynthia Shelton

Summary: How the experience of driving VegOil parallels the experience of the first automobile drivers.

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Review of Part Five: The American Obsession with Driving

This is an informative and well-written feature, which is one of a six-part series on VegOil as an alternative fuel. This piece works because of a terrific interview with Vivian Andrus, a 96 year old driver with some great stories about early Model T driving. The feature is marred, however, by poor technical quality and choppy editing. The questions from the interviewer are jarring and sound as if they are written and spoken to someone hard of hearing, which the subject probably is, but on tape it is disquieting. The subject matter is really interesting, and the topic of this piece is engaging, but it suffers from technical problems that detract from the excellent content.