Comments for Eradicating oppression

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Produced by Elinoar Astrinsky

Other pieces by Voices of Our World

Summary: Agusto Boal's Theater of the Oppressed techniques, designed to free us of internal and external oppression, are utilized in youth group workshops in Joao Pessoa Brazil. A discussion of racism and sexism ensues.

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Review of Eradicating oppression

The idea of this programme is good but I think in excecution it comes across as a fairly unsophisticated production. There’s too much intro in the beginning loading the listener with information that comes out as soon as the interview starts. The first interview I felt could really have easily started about 3-4 minutes after it actually began. And surely a piece about theatre could have been done in a more interesting manner than a solid 12 minute interview talking about the theatre session preceding it. Why is there no sound in here at all?
The line of questioning seemed a bit naïve – many of the answers coming back were pretty good, but the way the questions were asked made me itch to get the editing blade. For example on the subject of machismo in Brazil her question is “yeah what’s that about?”
As interviewers we all ask long winded questions with desired answers unconsciously embedded in them or say things like “what’s the name of that place again” but these things shouldn’t be included in final cut of a programme.
In listening to this piece I didn’t really get the feeling I was learning anything I didn’t know about or couldn’t have guessed.