Comments for Commentary: Pedal Power

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Produced by [redacted] [redacted]

Other pieces by KRCC-FM

Summary: The joys of bicycle commuting

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Review of Commentary: Pedal Power

Listening is a bit like talking to a wise, older relative. The segment lacks background sounds or music and pauses between statements leave blips of dead air. Beginning and end is bookended by original host show, but intro contains good info. Commentary is good, but takes the tone of a friendly lecture at some points. Overall a good piece, but not very entertaining for most listeners.

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Review of Commentary: Pedal Power

The commentary by Pat Cook Gulya is clearly stated and constructed.
Starting with the hook of rising gas prices, she makes the case for commuting by bicycle, something she's been doing, 9 and a half mile a day for six years. Cook Gulya offers a pleasant, yet informed delivery.
She lays out problems, real and perceived along with her experiences.
Values and benefits of bike commuting are also offered up.
Pat takes the listener along for the ride and, having captured our attention, makes the pitch for us to give it a try as well.
A very enjoyable and informative commentary.