Comments for THEY MADE AMERICA: From the Steam Engine to the Search Engine: Two Centuries of Innovators, with Sir Harold Evans

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Produced by Sarah Montague

Other pieces by Sarah Montague

Summary: Sir Harold Evans looks at the lives, times and ideas of the innovators that shaped America.

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Review of THEY MADE AMERICA: From the Steam Engine to the Search Engine: Two Centuries of Innovators, with Sir Harold Evans

"Ding! Turn the page." This highly informative and audiophonic production recounts the history of American innovation in a way that will make any American high school history teacher instantaneously want to add to their syllabi. Great speakers, reenactments and sound collages all make this an easy and interesting listen. However, radio stations may want to reserve this program for after school programming.

There's only one real downside: the presentation. It's slick and overly professional in the same way a Hollywood blockbuster's perfection can be sterile and off putting. Otherwise, a worthy effort.