Comments for Chris Hedges: War is a Force that Gives Us Meaning

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Produced by Terry Foss

Other pieces by Janis Shields

Summary: Exploring the enduring "attraction" of war

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Review of Chris Hedges: War is a Force that Gives Us Meaning

This talk is a powerful antidote to the sanitized image of war presented by governments and many media outlets. Chris Hedges offers his considerable experience on several front lines, to explain the addictive nature of war. In the process he attempts to understand his own streak of self destructiveness which kept him going back for more.
His insight into the dark nature of comradeship is surprising and yet strangely recognizable.
This is a very simple technical production; just one man talking. The tone can at times be sermon-like but the message is so compelling, it makes for great radio. The kind where you come away feeling as if you've run a marathon or forgotten to breathe.