Comments for "We need a penny!" Farmworkers Fight For Justice

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Produced by Ericka Johnson

Other pieces by On Blast

Summary: The Coalition of Immokalee Workers organized a rally in front of a center city Trader Joes and the Philly Student Union was there to help support.

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Review for "We need a penny!" Farmworkers Fight For Justice

In this fascinating radio story, produced by Ericka Johnson, The Coalition of Immokalee Worker’s rally comes to life. The use of many voices and ambient sound helps the listener feel as though he or she is at the rally themselves at the Trader Joes in Philadelphia.

The piece presented the CIW rally in an informative and engaging way and I learned about the penny movement and the importance of supermarkets signing the fair food agreement.

My favorite part of the piece was the use of ambient sound and a variety of voices –from Oscar an organizer to the protesting migrant workers. The ambient sound was used in the background as Ericka gave her narration. This technique is good for all radio pieces in general as it helps add flavor to a producer’s narration and puts you at the scene.

It is especially good in this radio piece about a rally as it helps the listener not only hear the producer’s voice and points, but also helps them get a feel of being at a CIW rally. The Spanish-speaking interviewee and translator were also great choices for interviewees as they help the listener understand the situation from a migrant worker’s view.

In terms of improvement, just a little editing is needed as there are some odd pauses (2:02-2:09) and the narration is a little quick.

Overall, the piece is very well made with a good choice of interviewees and innovative use of background noise during narration. I look forward to seeing the results of the CIW rally and their “We Need a Penny” campaign.