Comments for DMT

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This piece belongs to the series "Belief Systems and Other B.S."

Produced by Angus Stocking

Other pieces by KVNF

Summary: Take DMT, see aliens?

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Review of DMT

A fascinating commentary on a quirky subject. It's well written, but the delivery is a bit fast-paced for so much thought-provoking information. And the music bed, while giving the piece an appropriately edgy quality, is somewhat overpowering - the voice can get lost in all that sound. That said, it did leave an unsettling feeling (not in a bad way) and a desire to find out more about DMT, hallucinations and alien encounters. And the notion of a drug which might cause you to "die of astonishment" - what a way to go!

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Review of DMT

You just might "die of astonishment" upon experimenting with the drug DMT. Here Angus gives us a quick lesson on the known facts about the drug which has caused numerous and consistent hallucinations of interaction with aliens.

As usual, Angus is articulate and entertaining. His tone is friendly and accesible. I can't wait to hear the next installment!