Comments for Why Single Payer, Part 1: We are all paying for a broken healthcare system!

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This piece belongs to the series "Why Single Payer Healthcare Series One"

Produced by Miles Eddy

Other pieces by Miles Eddy

Summary: We are all paying for a broken healthcare system! Three healthcare professionals speak out why and offer some possible solutions.

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Review of Why Single Payer, Part 1: We are all paying for a broken healthcare system!

This is the first in a six part series on the U.S. healthcare system by independent producer Miles Eddy. There is a lot of excellent information in the piece, with interview excerpts from a hospital administrator and an ER doctor. But the piece needs tighter writing and editing. For instance, the narrator tells us that "Russ Johnston will give us an administrative point of view..." and "Dr. Beth Kinney will chime in from the perspective of an emergency room doctor". It?s distracting to be told what an interviewee is going to tell us before they do so. I would have started the piece at about 1:15 in, where the narrator says "We begin this series..." Some judicious editing would help to make this a good four or five minute piece.