Comments for The Secret Life of New York's Bees

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Produced by Kate Hinds

Other pieces by Kate Hinds

Summary: New York City has outlawed the practice of beekeeping, but local honey is in high demand. What's an apiarist to do? Keep hives on the sly, of course.

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Review of The Secret Life of New York's Bees

"The Secret Life of New York's Bees"
is fun and factoid-filled (honey bees love to dance).
It may seem too predictable to some
folks, but I sure would have loved
to hear the hive a-buzz with activity.
It could have served as punctuation in the piece. Added to the sense of fun.
Kate Hinds writes well into and out of the actualities. While the story has NYC in the title, Boston and California are also brought into the story for a broader understanding of bees and the people who keep them.